Some of my favorite childhood memories are sitting at the dinner table with my friends and family eating delicious food and laughing. I owe my love for cooking to my mom. She was a wizard in the kitchen, adding a pinch here and a dash there. She never had any set recipe -- she worked her magic in the kitchen, and it was always delicious. My parents and I would spend hours eating, laughing and talking about our goals at the dinner table.
My parents took me to a lot of dinner parties and I remember the feeling of joy, love and laughter that filled the rooms. Food is such an integral part of our lives because cooking is about sharing the love. Since then I have always dreamed of creating a more beautiful world using food to heal the hearts and spirits of people around me.
Growing up my father holistic medicine, my mother owned a holistic center and together taught massage, hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
I followed in my parents footsteps and developed a passion to heal people because I saw the incredible transformations that happened as a result of their work with NLP and hypnosis.
Cooking is my love language
I took my first cooking job while in college and instantly fell in love with the high-stress, fast-paced environment. The intensity, the heat, and the incredible people I worked with drew me in. After years in the restaurant industry, I felt a calling to connect more deeply with the people I was serving, which led me to transition into catering, become a Personal Chef, and study Holistic Nutrition. Along this journey, I also embraced Sound Healing, Sacred Consulting, and Sacred Medicines as powerful tools to foster personal and collective wellness. I believe that a holistic approach, which integrates nourishing food, spiritual healing, and ancient practices, is essential for true well-being.
+ Certified Nutrition Consultant — Bauman College // Berkeley, California
+ Bachelors of Science in Marketing — San Francisco State University // San Francisco, California
+ Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification